Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Closed for Short Break

Dear all, it has been a few months since a updated this site. This is not from lack of business but on the contrary, due to overwhelming business. I simply have not had the time to update all the wonderful new cakes I have had the pleasure of baking and designing....cakes such as 3D Electrical Guitar Cake, MIB Cake, Shoe Cake, Pocoyo Cakes, Pororo cakes, Wedding Cakes and everything in between.

Updates will be done before the end of the year. Meantime, I will be taking a short break and will resume baking on 3rd December 2012.

Please drop me an email as I will not be reachable via mobile phone.

Thank you !!!!


Click on the OLDER POSTS button above for more pictures!

Click on the OLDER POSTS button above for more pictures!